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How to Improve Student Support Services
November 13th, 2022 | Customer Service, Higher Education
How to Improve Student Support Services in Higher Ed The importance of student support services Today’s students are CX-indulged. Thanks to + Read More
How to Improve Customer Service – A Complete Guide of Tools, Tech & Tips
November 13th, 2022 | Customer Service
How to Improve Customer Service A Complete Guide of Tools, Tech & Tips We all know that customer service is important, but just how instrumental + Read More
A Complete Guide to Omnichannel Customer Service
November 13th, 2022 | Customer Service, Omnichannel
A Complete Guide to Omnichannel Customer Support The state of customer service is always changing, and brands must keep up. While offering just + Read More
A Complete Guide to Improving Customer Service in Government [with Best Practices & Use Cases]
November 13th, 2022 | Customer Service
A Complete Guide to Improving Customer Service in Government with Best Practices & Use Cases The gap between customer service in the public + Read More
How to Improve Credit Union Member Engagement
November 13th, 2022 | Customer Service
How to Improve Credit Union Member Engagement There is no doubt that many consumers look to credit unions for lower fees and higher savings rates, + Read More
5 Customer Service Best Practices Every Successful Team Follows
October 26th, 2022 | Customer Service

To improve customer service, there’s only one place every company should start – meeting customers’ expectations. Today’s consumers have ever-changing and ever-rising customer + Read More

Guest Blog: 10 Chatbot Features that Make Your Bot More Helpful to Customers
October 19th, 2022 | Chatbot, Customer Service

Chatbots are quickly becoming a long-term solution for customer service across all industries. A good chatbot will deliver exceptional value to your customers + Read More

Bringing Automation to Customer Service – 5 Chatbot Examples for Any Industry
October 10th, 2022 | Chatbot, Customer Service

The life of chatbots in customer service has been turbulent. However, as bot technology has rapidly improved, so too has organizations’ readiness to + Read More

Why are Organizations Adopting SMS Customer Support?
September 18th, 2022 | Customer Service

When listing technologies that have shaped the way people communicate, it’s impossible to exclude SMS, or text messaging. 100% of U.S. adults surveyed + Read More

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How Are Customer Service Teams Using SMS Support?
September 6th, 2022 | Customer Service

Thirty years after the first text message was sent in 1992, SMS is more popular than ever – but not just in the + Read More

The Top Customer Service Expectations that Brands aren’t Meeting
February 17th, 2022 | Customer Service

Today’s customer service expectations are at an all-time high, and many organizations are failing to meet the demand.  New data outlined in a + Read More

Accessibility in Customer Service – How Comm100 Live Chat Meets Government Requirements
February 15th, 2022 | Customer Service, Live Chat

Governments around the world continue to introduce legislation that ensures services are accessible by everyone. This has led public organizations to offer new + Read More

Guest blog: On-Demand Economy – How to Pivot Customer Service Practices to Give Consumers What They Want
February 15th, 2022 | Customer Service

The modern global consumer is impatient, specific about their needs, and more than willing to jump ship to go to another brand if + Read More

Guest blog: How to Personalize Customer Service – 6 Actionable Strategies
February 10th, 2022 | Customer Service

When you sign up on Netflix, the streaming platform first asks about your preferences regarding languages and genres you’d like to consume. Netflix + Read More

5 Winning Customer Service Improvement Strategies for 2022
February 2nd, 2022 | Customer Service

Does your customer service team have big plans for 2022? With the turbulence of the pandemic now settling down, there’s no excuse not + Read More

Top 3 Customer Service Trends to Expect in 2022
November 29th, 2021 | Customer Service

The customer service landscape is forever changing as technologies and consumer expectations develop, but 2021 has seen a shift of proportions that we have arguably never + Read More

5 Reasons Why Colleges & Universities Need Live Chat & Chatbots

Today’s students are digital nomads. Technology doesn’t just come easy to them – it’s where they want to interact. If colleges and universities want to improve + Read More

Top 4 Steps to Integrate Chatbots into Customer Service
November 10th, 2021 | Chatbot, Customer Experience, Customer Service

Customer service isn’t easy, but new technologies are making it easier. With artificial intelligence like chatbots, brands can serve more customers faster than ever before – all the + Read More

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Live Chat Benchmark Report 2024
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Contact Center Digital Transformation – The Essential Stages for a Smooth and Successful Transition
October 25th, 2021 | Customer Experience, Customer Service

Today’s customers expect digital communication channels from the businesses that they connect with. It’s well documented that millennials hate phone calls, and to meet the + Read More