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How Chat is Revolutionizing Customer Service

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Companies have been offering a way for their website visitors to live chat with their customer service team for about ten years now. How has this affected customer service?

Kaye Chapman from Comm100 joins James Gilbert’s ‘The Sweets of CX’ podcast that aims to bring real customer experience stories and challenges to life. In this episode for live chat newbies and veterans alike, Kaye and James discuss:

  • Why organizations should use live chat
  • How to structure your team to handle chat
  • Unique ways to use live chat and chatbots in customer journeys
  • The best way to get started with chat
  • Common mistakes organizations run into with chat


Kaye Chapman
Kaye Chapman, Learning & Development Manager, Comm100

Kaye is Comm100’s Learning & Development Manager, an internationally-experienced writer and trainer. Kaye has worked with Fortune 500, governmental and private firms across the world to embed leading customer experience strategies.

James Gilbert Headshot - Comm100 Podcast
James Gilbert, Head of Global Marketing, CloudCherry

James is CloudCherry’s Head of Global Marketing, is an Official Member of the Forbes Communication Council, and is a C-Suite Advisor at The C-Suite Network. James has a decade of experience working in Sales and Marketing, overseeing international campaigns and cross-functional projects including customer nurturing.