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5 Things to Look For In a White Label Live Chat Software

Live chat is a feature seen on almost every website, and in every field – anything from retail to more complex software. Companies with live chat are able to offer a seamless customer experience on their website. It cuts down on hold time and allows customers to get help ASAP, which is essential for brand loyalty and respect.

In fact, 79% of consumers prefer live chat to other options. The best part is, live chat boosts customer satisfaction as high as 92%. Despite the high return, it isn’t easy to dedicate time and resources towards building a complex chat system from scratch. Instead, consider white labeling live chat from an existing company.

This blog explores:

  • What white label live chat is
  • Why your business needs to implement this software
  • List of things to look for in a live chat
  • What questions you need to ask about live chat

What is white label live chat?

First, let’s discuss what exactly white labeling live chat is. White labels are not a new concept – in fact, they’ve been around for ages. White labeling is the practice of using third-party components in your products and selling them under one brand name. 

White labeling in software is when businesses pay to use software under their own brand, creating a sense of cohesiveness. Customers trust your brand, and when the live chat is seamless to your website, they know that they can trust it. They trust they are talking to you – not someone outsourced elsewhere in the world from a name they’ve never heard of. 

Why white label live chat?

Many companies choose to use white label software to take the burden off of their team. Not every company has the time, resources, or manpower to build a live chat solution from scratch. It’s not a quick job. It takes time, money, research, and technical expertise. 

This is where white label software companies come in. They allow you to “rent” their software with your branding. You’ll gain full control and attention over the software – it’s your name, your color scheme, and your logos – no one else’s. This gives both the chat feature and your brand consistency and credibility. 

Using white label live chat software allows you to feel confident in offering an all-in-one solution your clients can trust. Your company can experience a product that easily integrates with your existing technology and allows you to add value to your current offerings.

The 5 S’s of live chat 

Only your business knows exactly what your pains and needs are, but here are some tips you can use to select a software that’s perfect for you. Keep in mind the “5 S’s” of what you should look for in a white label live chat software. Plus, the questions you should ask along the way. 

1. Security

Cybersecurity threats are not rare – they occur almost daily – and they are costly. This should lead you to ask “how will this service protect you, your clients, and the end consumers’ information?” Sensitive information can be shared via the internet, and for your peace of mind and your clients, it is essential that security is a top priority for your provider.

2. Support

Learning new software is a lot of work. What training materials does your partner have to make this a seamless process? How often are they available to assist with problems? A supportive partner is key.

3. Solution

Is this truly the best solution for your business? If it does not answer your questions, ease your fears, and solve your pains, then it is not the right fit. There is no shortage of white label live chat software, and the right fit is out there. The software should be a solution to your problems – not cause them. 

4. Sales

What sales enablement materials does your partner offer? Do they empower your business? Support your sales team? If they are not going to aid your sales process, they are not the right fit for you. 

5. Service

All in all, this software should be a beneficial service for you and your clients. You must ask yourself: does this solve my client’s problems? Will it help me with sales? And does it meet all of my criteria? This software will become an extension of your brand, so you need to make sure it ticks all the right boxes.

Remembering the “5 S’s” will help you to select a white label live chat software that is perfect for your business needs. 

How can I implement white labeled live chat?

Implementing a robust live-chat software sounds daunting, but with Comm100 the process is simple. Using Comm100 allows you to use an award-winning white label live chat software and open a new revenue stream as you position your brand more broadly.

Comm100 has experience partnering with companies in a variety of industries – from e-commerce to healthcare. If you think you’re ready to get started or to get more information, read our solution sheet or contact us to start a conversation.

Kate Rogerson

About Kate Rogerson

Kate is the Content Marketing Manager at Comm100. She has extensive experience in content creation for technology companies across the world, including the UK, Australia and Canada. She specializes in B2B messaging, branding and soccer trivia.