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How To Create Successful Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions for IT Helpdesks

Running an IT helpdesk isn’t easy. It can be tough to find agents who have the right balance of technical knowledge with great customer service skills, and even tougher to assess whether you’ve truly got that balance right.

That’s why effective customer satisfaction survey questions are an integral part of the ticket resolution process. After all, ITSM helpdesks revolve around people just as much as they do technology – so the opinions of your users (whether they’re internal or external) are critical in helping you to assess the effectiveness of your entire service.

Here are some tips for you to consider when creating customer satisfaction surveys for your IT helpdesk. Read on for sample survey questions to use, too.

Define Your Objectives

The first thing to have in place are the goals you wish to achieve through your customer survey. Why are you choosing to conduct a customer survey for your helpdesk?

  1. Are you looking to improve your service provision, or
  2. Are you looking to get your user’s views on a new line of service you have introduced?

These questions should shape your entire survey strategy. Remember that you don’t want to waste your investment in time and effort by asking irrelevant questions that will neither help you get better or identify the loopholes in your business.

Choose How You Want to Conduct The Survey

One of the easiest ways for IT Helpdesk managers to conduct customer satisfaction surveys is through the ticketing process. Most ticketing software providers allow for a survey to be sent at the end of each interaction. This has the advantage of being sent quickly and easily at the resolution of each ticket, automating the process and allowing you to take advantage of user feedback at the point of resolution.

Another option might be to use an online tool, with survey links emailed to certain users. This could be useful if you wanted to target a portion of your user base with feedback requests.

Include Your Branding

Your users are more likely to engage in taking a survey when they are sure that they are dealing with the right business. In other words, they will want to associate the questions with your brand. Also, you should include colors that relate to your services to ensure consistency.

Your Questions Should Be Concise

When it comes to the questions you create, there is more to think about than just the number of questions to include. Ensure that your questions are relevant and focused. Long surveys put off clients and you will likely find a very low response rate.

As such, aim at cutting out the irrelevant questions and exclusively focus on the ones that will give you what you want. Consider starting the survey with a few simple closed-ended questions that require a yes/no answer to get the respondent going. Later on, you can include open-ended questions that allow the client to share all of their thoughts about the service you offer.

Review Your Survey

Many businesses come up with a survey and no sooner have they finished than they have already sent it out to customers.

Spare some time to review your plan and the questions asked before sending. Especially if your users are internal to your business, you have the advantage of being able to ask them whether the survey fits their needs and allows them to provide clear and full feedback.

A quick check before sending allows you don’t end up with egg on your face from embarrassing typos, unclear questions or a misunderstanding of user needs.

Sample Template for IT Helpdesk Customer Surveys

Here is a sample template for getting feedback from your users. What do you think of these customer satisfaction survey questions for your helpdesk? Let us know in the comments below.

  1. Thinking of the last interaction you had with us, how satisfied are you with quality of the service you received from us? (1 is not at all satisfied, 10 is extremely satisfied)

  2. How satisfied are you with the speed of the service you received from us? (1 is not at all satisfied, 10 is extremely satisfied)

  3. How satisfied were you with the quality of the knowledge of the agent who dealt with your request? (1 is not at all satisfied, 10 is extremely satisfied)

  4. How satisfied were you with the manner of the agent who dealt with your request? (1 is not at all satisfied, 10 is extremely satisfied)

  5. How easy was it to get your query resolved? (1 extremely difficult, 10 very easy and simple)

  6. How much did information on our website or in our printed materials help you to resolve your query? (1 is not at all, 10 is completely)

  7. How likely will you recommend us to your friends and/or colleagues? (1 is not at all likely, 10 is extremely likely)

How to Create Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Ready-Made Templates, Questions & Tips

How to Create Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Ready-Made Templates, Questions & Tips

The eBook contains tips and techniques to help you get your survey off the ground, whether you’re creating a generic customer satisfaction survey or are looking for something more specialized. Each section ends with a template that you can adapt for your use.

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Hutch Morzaria

About Hutch Morzaria

Hutch has been involved with the Internet and technology from the days of dial-up and has been involved in building and growing successful customer service and technical support teams globally. He has a deep and abiding passion for customers and is always looking for ways to make his teams as efficient and productive as possible. In his spare time, Hutch focuses on sharing his knowledge and enjoys spending time with his family.