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ROI Calculation


Proving the ROI of live chat : Measuring the Move to Digital

It’s one thing to add live chat to your customer experience program because everyone else is doing it. It’s quite another to prove ROI to your CFO.

Live chat is more accessible and less expensive than phone, more powerful than email, and the most flexible engagement tool available today. The best platforms offer text, video, audio, file sharing, automatic translation, and more.

But what numbers should you be focusing on to get the budget to move forward?

Watch the webinar to learn more:

  • How to calculate live chat ROI
  • The key variables that go into a live chat ROI equation
  • How to project the impact on your current team
  • How to put together an airtight business case for introducing live chat


Kalle Radage - Headshot - Comm100
Kalle Radage, Chief Operating Officer, Comm100

Kalle has 15+ years of experience building, operating, and leading organizations in the technology, payments, and financial services industries at companies including Oracle, Nokia, and Payfirma.

Jeff Epstein
Jeff Epstein, VP of Marketing, Comm100

Jeff is a B2B marketer with 20+ years’ experience creating compelling messaging and content for sales and marketing with companies including IBM, General Motors, Sophos, QuickMobile, and Allocadia.

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