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vantageone ceo and comm100 product marketing manager


How VantageOne is driving adoption of digital customer service with their members

With Covid-19 making it more difficult to connect with members in-person, VantageOne Credit Union deployed live chat and video chat so their members could continue to receive the genuine, personalized service they were used to. The challenge then became raising awareness and convincing an entrenched phone-first membership to use these new channels.

Hear from Glenn Benischek, CEO of VantageOne as he shares how VantageOne tackled the problem of user adoption and why he sees digital customer service as the centerpiece of member engagement going forward:

You will learn:

  • How to drive your customers to adopt digital channels
  • How friction-free video chat can be used to deliver branch-quality service in the digital world
  • How to strategically deploy chatbots to manage increasing volume.


Glenn Benischek, CEO at VantageOne Credit Union
Glenn Benischek, CEO, VantageOne Credit Union

Glenn Benischek has been the CEO of VantageOne Credit Union for 14+ years. He holds a BBA from Simon Fraser University and an MBA at Royal Roads University. Glenn believes that investing in people is the key to delivering exceptional member experiences.

Matthew Jinks
Matthew Jinks, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Comm100

Matthew is Comm100’s resident AI Chatbot Expert. He’s worked for 5+ years in Vancouver’s tech scene and is always up to date on the latest AI trends and best practices. Matthew works with Fortune 500, government, and private firms across the world to embed advanced artificial intelligence solutions.

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