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customerthink CX report


Best Practices to Prove the Business Value of Customer Experience

Find out how CX leaders can create an internal business case that will get them the financial support they need.

The bottom line: For CX to get the funding needed to deliver a win for customers, CX leaders must show how it delivers wins for sponsors and stakeholders. A CX business case must answer the “WIIFM” question: What’s In It For Me?

CX professionals often advocate for a customer-centric point of view and evangelize that satisfied customers create long-term value for a business. But this approach is not effective in gaining funding in organizations mainly focused on achieving traditional operational goals. Based on nearly 50 interviews and 200 survey responses, three practices were identified to help CX leaders get to “yes.”

  • Learn What “Success” Means to Prospective CX Supporters
  • Develop an ROI Strategy to Link CX to Business Success
  • Prove CX Value with Cost/Benefit Analysis and Intangibles

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