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Grow faculty engagement and student success with digital support channels

See how Dawson College transformed their CSAT

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Registrar records have been used to predict the attrition of first-year students in higher education.

What does this mean for registrar’s offices?

It means that capturing accurate data can be an invaluable way of predicting student success outcomes. Comm100’s digital omnichannel student engagement platform can help with tracking student enquiries for better data.


Higher Education Benchmark Report

We’ve analyzed a year’s worth of chats to bring you the live chat industry benchmarks for higher education. Read the full report for the trends and best practices that Registrars need to know.

65% of Gen Zers prefer to engage through digital channels.


Technology to transform registrar’s offices

As a registrar in higher education, you support all elements of the student lifecycle. Comm100 digital omnichannel platform allows you to stay connected to every digital channel, providing better support to faculty and your current and prospective students.

Support Hours

Service hours in higher education are often limited by funding and staffing. With automated support, Registrar’s Office service hours can be expanded to 24/7 without hiring additional staff.

Common Questions

When questions from students and faculty become overwhelming, a Comm100 Chatbot can answer repetitive questions without human intervention. With the simple questions handled, human staff can spend more time tackling complex issues.

Email Overload

With a shared inbox full of enquiries, it’s difficult knowing where to begin. Email ticketing can sort through the chaos so that emails are handled according to your own criteria and registrar staff are assigned based on experience or availability.

Managing Responsibilities

Handling a lot of responsibilities often comes with the job, but it doesn’t need to be overwhelming. A well-trained bot can automate answers to a wide variety of student and faculty questions, freeing up more of your time.

Streamlining Admissions

Forms are a practical way to capture information, but they’re not the best way to make an impression. A task bot can streamline the admissions process by guiding students through a more natural-feeling conversation.

Strategic Resourcing

Launching new initiatives can be a challenge when resources are tight. Because chatbots have unlimited capacity, a chatbot for student engagement can easily handle an influx of new requests as the need arises.

“The help and guidance from Comm100 during the development of our chatbot has been fantastic!”

— Derek Gaucher, Coordinator of IT Solutions, Dawson College

Cambrian College
Tony Sandhu

Find out how major North American universities are using Comm100 to improve admissions & student engagement

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What about other roles in higher education?

Transforming student engagement needs all hands on deck. Take a look at the roles below to see how Comm100 can bring digital transformation to the customer experience across higher education.




Admissions officers need to be responsive to many stakeholders. Digital omnichannel makes engaging with staff and faculty easier and more efficient.

Student Services

Student Services

Students services support a wide cross-section of student life. When students reach out through digital channels, they need to reach the right person the first time.

Student Couselling

Student Counseling

To offer the best possible services, student counsellors should expand their digital reach. Students want to connect on their terms, and digital CX in higher education creates more opportunities to listen.

Financial Aid

Financial Aid

As more services move online, financial aid needs to keep up. With digital engagement, financial aid can connect with students anywhere to provide much needed peace of mind.



IT looks to get the most out of technology. Supporting higher education students and faculty requires robust digital tools that can meet the needs of today and tomorrow.

Continuing Education

Continuing Education

Continuing education is designed for busy professionals, meaning that digital support needs to be flexible and responsive.

Ready to see what Comm100 can do for your registrar’s office?

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