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Reach more students with digital omnichannel

Provide financial advice 24/7 across all your digital channels.

See how Dawson College transformed their CSAT

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Every academic year, over $2 billion in federal student grants go unclaimed.

What does this mean for student financial aid?

It means that higher education institutions should be doing more to support student access to funding. Digital omnichannel platforms like Comm100 can help.


Higher Education Benchmark Report

We’ve analyzed a year’s worth of chats to bring you the live chat industry benchmarks in higher education. Read the full report for the best practices and trends that financial aid professionals need to know.

technology to transform student financial aid

Technology to transform student financial aid

As a financial aid professional in higher education, you need to manage a lot more than just finances. Comm100 digital omnichannel lets you easily connect with students on live chat to provide guidance, with ticketing and case management allowing you to stay on top of files that need follow-up.

Student Accounts

Removing barriers is key to connecting with today’s students. By introducing Comm100 Live Chat, students can complete tuition payments without ever leaving a familiar chat window.

Case Management

More sophisticated issues require follow-up, and that’s where Comm100 Ticketing comes in. With built-in ticketing and integrations possible with CRMs like Salesforce, Comm100 makes it easier than ever to stay on top of student accounts.

Financial Advising

Finances are often a concern among students, and it’s your role as a financial aid professional to provide guidance. Comm100’s omnichannel platform allows you to connect with students on their terms.

Integrated Communications

It’s not always easy capturing student information during a transaction. By integrating with your digital campus systems, Comm100 Live Chat gives you confidence knowing who you’re communicating with.

Accurate Information

Interpreting and relaying regulations can be a challenge even for seasoned professionals. With a chatbot, you can be confident that students are receiving accurate information every time they reach out.

Supporting Documents

When you need to gather supporting documents from students, live chat can help. With file sharing through live chat, you can send and receive files from visitors on your website through a simple drag and drop interface.

“Our students are mostly 17, 18 or 19 years old, and they naturally find live chat very easy to use.

It’s also very quick for them – they can hop on a chat, ask us a question, and have their answer in a minute – all from their mobile device”

— Derek Gaucher, Coordinator of IT Solutions, Dawson College

happy students
Tony Sandhu

Find out how major North American universities are using Comm100 to improve admissions & student engagement

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What about other roles in higher education?

Transforming student engagement needs all hands on deck. Take a look at the roles below to see how Comm100 can bring digital transformation to the customer experience across higher education.




Admissions officers need to be responsive to many stakeholders. Digital omnichannel makes engaging with staff and faculty easier and more efficient.



Registrars handle some of the most sensitive enquiries in higher education. They need secure technology that provides a seamless support experience.

Student Services

Student Services

Students services support a wide cross-section of student life. When students reach out through digital channels, they need to reach the right person the first time.



IT looks to get the most out of technology. Supporting higher education students and faculty requires robust digital tools that can meet the needs of today and tomorrow.

Student Couselling

Student Counseling

To offer the best possible services, student counsellors should expand their digital reach. Students want to connect on their terms, and digital CX in higher education creates more opportunities to listen.

Continuing Education

Continuing Education

Continuing education is designed for busy professionals, meaning that digital support needs to be flexible and responsive.

Ready to see what Comm100 can do for your financial aid?

Comm100 Live Chat