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Human-bot Harmony in Student Recruitment & Admissions

Harness AI. Personalize Engagement. Boost Admissions.

Human-Bot Harmony Admissions Webinar Banner

Key Takeaways:

Addressing Challenges: Insight into campus-wide student engagement issues.

AI in Action: Techniques and tools for AI-assisted communication.

Balancing Act: Strategies for harmonious human-bot interactions.

Staying Ahead: Drive student yield and stand out in a competitive landscape.

Implementing with Care: Ensuring safe, secure, and responsible AI adoption.

Future-Proof Strategy: Crafting a sustainable roadmap for integrating AI in admissions.


Chris Bechtel

Chris Bechtel
VP of Global Marketing, Comm100

Phil Chatterton

Phil Chatterton
VP of Sales, Comm100

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Elevate student engagement in the AI age.