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Task Bot Product Tour

Product Tour

See Comm100's Task Bot in Action

Comm100 Task Bots are support and sales automation tools that replace boring web forms and routine chat requests with smart, fun, and interactive bots that are easy to build , and available for your customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Task Bots make your website more engaging, reduce mundane customer service work, and help you capture more leads.

Watch this 7-minute walk-through of Comm100’s Task Bot to find out how your customers will interact with Task Bots on your website and how easy it is to build and deploy them.


Matthew Jinks
Matthew Jinks, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Comm100

Matthew is Comm100’s Senior Product Marketing Manager. He’s worked for 5+ years in Vancouver’s tech scene and loves crafting product stories. Matthew works with Fortune 500, government, and private firms across the world to embed advanced customer experience solutions.

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