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Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Improve your login experience with an extra layer of security.

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Comm100 Two-Factor Authentication is a security process in which two different authentication factors need to be provided to verify your identity. It helps protect your account from unauthorized access by requiring a second authentication method in addition to your password.

Comm100 Two-Factor Authentication is a security process in which two different authentication factors need to be provided to verify your identity. It helps protect your account from unauthorized access by requiring a second authentication method in addition to your password.

Your data security continues to be a top priority for us.

An additional layer of protection against unauthorized access, helping to ensure your data stay secure on the web.

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more secure

More secure

Adding an extra security buffer of Two-Factor Authentication safeguards against password fatigue and ensures cybercriminals cannot hack simple or repeated passwords. The upfront efforts to implement Two-Factor Authentication pay for itself in the long run.

User convenience

Provide you with an experience you are familiar with. By getting the authentication code directly from your own device or backup code in case of emergency, you can easily go through the process, significantly reducing the possibility of online data being compromised.

user convenience
choose what suites

Choose what suites

Multiple choices are there for you to select adding a personal touch to our product and also exclusivity value to your experience. You can always set up or reset your Two-Factor Authentication anytime, and the frequency of the Two-Factor Authentication sign-in requirement also depends on you.

Increase customer trust

With Comm100 two-factor authentication, you can better deliver on your promises and do what’s right for your customers. Your customers like knowing their data is secure. Even though additional verification steps can seem annoying at times, your customers always trust and appreciate businesses that take precautions to protect them seriously.

increase customer trust

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