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Live chat personalization Deliver unique interactions at scale

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Turn every interaction into a personal live chat experience. Leveraging Comm100’s live chat personalization tools, you can craft unique and helpful conversations with that build stronger relationships and enhance customer satisfaction.

Unified agent console

Unified agent console

Comm100 connects and displays all the information your agents need to deliver a personal live chat experience. When chatting, the agent can see the visitor’s location, purchase history, previous chats, and much more to give them a 360 degree view of each visitor.

Auto-chat translation

Auto-chat translation

Embedded within the live chat software, agents and visitors can speak with one another in the preferred language with auto-translation. Treat your customers as individuals while expanding your reach.

Visitor segmentation

Visitor segmentation

Divide your visitors into segments based on pre-defined criteria so that your agents know who they’re speaking to and you can put your best people on the most important jobs. You can even set up notifications to alert agents when specific visitors come to your site.


“The decision to choose Comm100 Live Chat was straightforward in the end. The software’s ease of use really stood out to us – we can create our own chat buttons, window design, and pop-ups, all in an instant without any coding or programming knowledge. It’s so simple, fast and flexible.

– Nicola Lomas, Live Chat Manager, HSS Hire

Video and audio chat

Nothing creates a more personal live chat experience than face-to-face conversation. Comm100 Live Chat offers embedded video and audio chat so your agents can resolve complex issues and build rapport.

Video and audio chat
Screen sharing

Screen sharing

Screen Sharing lets your agents and visitors share their screens in real-time during a chat. With just a single click, you can understand where your visitors are having trouble and personally guide them through the issue.

Integrations & webhooks

To provide live chat personalization, you need to give your agents information. Comm100 offers a wide range of off-the-shelf integrations, webhooks, and a flexible API so your agents know who they’re speaking to and how they can best help.

Integrations & APIs
Pre-chat survey

Pre-chat survey

Pre-chat surveys are a simple but effective tool to deliver live chat personalization. By asking the visitor to provide some information before the chat, you can route every visitor to the most appropriate department, team, or agent.

Account-based chat

What if you could identify an ideal prospect when they come to your site, and engage in a highly personalized live chat that reflects how well you know them and their interests? Comm100 makes this easy.

Account-based chat

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