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Features | Integrations

Live Chat Webhooks

Comm100 Live Chat Webhooks are HTTP(S) callbacks that allow you to POST a message to a designated URL (a web application) when a certain live chat event happens. Comm100 Live Chat Webhooks can be used to receive the live chat data in real time, process the data and then pass it to another application or more. This enables you to extend the capabilities of Comm100 Live Chat.

Comm100 Webhook Get Notified of Live Chat Events

Get Notified of Live Chat Events

After Comm100 Live Chat Webhooks are set up, your real-time live chat data is sent to a designated URL (a web application) when a chat starts or ends, a visitor submits an offline message, or your agents wrap up a chat. This keeps you informed of what’s happening on your website.

Add Live Chat Data to Your CRM

Add Live Chat Data to Your CRM

Process the data received from Comm100 Live Chat Webhooks in real time and add the data to your CRM as per your needs. For example, if you use a CRM to manage your leads, you might want to add those who have chatted with you but haven’t yet been included in your CRM as new leads. This can be done automatically with Comm100 Live Chat Webhooks.

Read Your Database Information to Live Chat

Read Your Database Information to Live Chat

Using the data received from Comm100 Live Chat Webhooks, you can search your database for additional information that will help you better serve your visitors, and display the information in your live chat console via Comm100 Live Chat API.

Auto Save Chat Transcripts in Your System

Auto Save Chat Transcripts in Your System

With Comm100 Live Chat Webhooks, you’re able to receive live chat data, including chat transcripts, offline messages and other visitor information in real time. If you require backups of live chat data in your system, this frees you from manual downloading and uploading of the data.

How to Set up Comm100 Live Chat Webhooks?

You can set up webhooks for 3 different live chat events: Chat Started, Chat Ended and Offline Message Submitted. Read our step-by-step guide to learn how to set them up and what types of data you’ll have access to in each event.

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