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Features | Personalization

Live Chat Window

Comm100 Live Chat allows you to design your chat window based on your brand guidelines, providing a consistent look and feel, and easy, smooth chat experiences.

Comm100 Live Chat Chat Window Type

Embedded/Popup Chat Window

Comm100 Live Chat provides two types of chat window design: embedded and popup. An embedded chat window remains in the bottom right corner of the screen so that visitors can chat while switching from page to page. A pop-up chat window opens in a separate window.

Comm100 Live Chat Chat Window Color

Custom Color Scheme

Select a color scheme for your chat window to ensure it blends well with your website. You can choose from the pre-defined color schemes, or pick whatever color you want for your chat window so that it resonates with your branding.


Display Agent Avatar in the Chat Window

Display agent avatar, title and company logo in your chat window to add a sense of intimacy and increase brand awareness. Alternatively, you can show your banner image in the chat window.


Message Style

The message style defines how chat messages between visitors and agents appear in the chat window. You can select from several different message styles based on your own preferences.

Comm100 Chat Window Custom CSS

Customize the Chat Window with CSS Code

Use your own CSS code to customize any part of your chat window. For example, you can change your chat window size and position; customize the background image of the chat window; change the color of icons in the chat window and more.


Customize the Chat Window with Custom JavaScript

You can now add custom JavaScript to fully control what your chat window looks like. Some common customizations include the following:

  • Show your knowledge base, company banner or ads for an enhanced queue experience
  • Display estimated wait time
chat window

Greeting Messages

You can create unique greeting messages in the chat window to meet your visitors with your own welcome message or informative note.

Comm100 Live Chat Chat Window Visitor Options

Chatting Options

You can provide your visitors with tools you deem necessary to make chatting easy and convenient:

  • Send files right from the chat window with one click
  • Receive a sound alert when there is a new response from the agent
  • Switch to the offline message window while waiting for a chat to begin
  • Receive a chat transcript by email when a chat ends
  • Print the chat transcript when a chat ends
Optimized Chat Window for Mobile Devices

Optimized Chat Window for Mobile Devices

Comm100’s chat windows are optimized for most mobile devices. The mobile friendly chat window ensures visitors have consistent and fluid chat experiences on their devices. You can also define a separate style for your mobile chat window by using your own CSS code.

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