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Digital Omnichannel Webinar


You’ve taken your CX digital. What next?

Building an omnichannel strategy for office and home

The effects of COVID-19 have stressed the need for a digital omnichannel strategy now more than ever. Couple this with customer service teams working remotely for the first time or in greater numbers, and there a lot of questions that need to be urgently addressed.

It’s crucial for organizations to build in the necessary operational processes and technical tools to survive this new reality. As we know, the changes forced upon us today will forever alter how we deliver the customer experience we seek.

Join leading authorities in digital contact center solutions as they explore how to build an omnichannel strategy that fits today’s shifting priorities and tomorrow’s redefined realities.

Watch this recap video to learn:

  • How to switch your contact center team to work from home quickly and smoothly
  • How to optimize your digital strategy and manage through the change
  • Technology considerations and IT resources
  • The top steps to future-proofing your digital omnichannel strategy


fred stacey headshot
Fred Stacey, General Manager & Co-Founder, Cloud Call Center Search

Fred Stacey is the General Manager and Co-Founder of Cloud Call Center Search, a division of Outsource Consultants. He has been in the contact center industry for over 25 years. Prior to founding Cloud Call Center Search, Fred held executive level roles in contact center and debt collections software companies.

Jeff Epstein
Jeff Epstein, VP of Marketing, Comm100

Jeff is Comm100’s VP Marketing. He’s a B2B marketer with 20+ years’ experience creating compelling messaging and content for sales enablement and demand generation. He holds a BA from the University of Waterloo and an MBA from Thunderbird, the American Graduate School of International Management.

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