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ROI Calculation


Chatbot ROI: Building a Business Case for Chatbots

For chatbots, the tide has turned from hype to reality. Improved artificial intelligence and shifting customer expectations have led to more customer interactions being handled by chatbots than ever before.  

With plenty of examples out there, you might have ideas about how your business could deploy a chatbot. However, before you get the green light, you’ll need to develop an airtight business plan that will pass muster with your finance team. 

Watch the recording to learn more:

  • How to calculate the ROI of an AI chatbot
  • How different chatbot use-cases affect ROI measurement
  • How AI chatbots can impact other key performance indicators
  • Real-life examples of companies who’ve realized ROI with Comm100’s Chatbot


Cale Shapera
Cale Shapera, AI Chatbot Architect, Comm100

Cale Shapera is a Chatbot Architect at Comm100. He uses his experience in web development, knowledge management, and technical writing to create cutting-edge AI chatbot solutions.

Matthew Jinks
Matthew Jinks, AI Chatbot Expert, Comm100

Matthew is Comm100’s resident AI Chatbot Expert. He’s worked for 5+ years in Vancouver’s tech scene and is always up to date on the latest AI trends and best practices. Matthew works with Fortune 500, government, and private firms across the world to embed advanced artificial intelligence solutions.

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